I never saw blue like that before

After several long months of Ithaca winter we were finally able to experience some actual sunlight. Our family joined two other families (the Currans and the Kuhres) for Spring break in Cape May, NJ. It was still cooler but the sunlight was MUCH MUCH needed. Honestly, the sky looked bluer and clearer than I had seen forever for months! It was much needed for my sun energized soul. 

We didn't spend much time in the water; but boy, oh boy, did we play in the sand. Our sweet family has decided to take a summer intern in Palo Alto California so I was so excited to see how entertained my boys were simply by digging around in the sand for hours.  

All the time spent in the sand led to several group showers in the outdoor shower...best fun for these crazy boys. These 6 boys are all so close in age. Seriously 6 boys ranging from 4 to 3ish-4 months. They are the perfect pals...except when they aren't. Then they are the perfect enemies.  

We spent most of our time just playing on the beach, but we did venture out a couple of times. One day we took the group to the Cape May Zoo. I'm not really of big fan of zoos, but this one was really nice. The animals didn't seem miserable and their enclosures almost felt like their natural environments. It was nice, once again, to just be out in the sun letting the kids run around and enjoy the outdoors.

Since we were gone up until the Saturday of Easter, Mel had the great idea of having our own Easter Egg Hunt right on the beach. It was definitely one of the highlights of the trip! Melody even had 4 golden eggs that she put some money in. It was a pretty legit hunt.

Another activity we did that did not include our sand shovels and buckets, was a group bike ride to the Cape May light house. It was SOOOO cold! We started in the afternoon and the wind was blowing hard and it felt like we were riding into the wind both there and back. But, I LOVED it! It was just fun to get a little exercise and be able to do it as a family and with our friends. Ace and Gar rode a tandem bike and Reid rode in a seat on the back of my bike. I'd love to do more of this type of biking in the future.

Ace and I are lucky to have found such incredible friends, but we are also feeling so blessed that our boys have good friends too. We loved our time in Cape May with these two incredible little families.  

1 comment:

  1. Even with the cold, the beach holds some sort of magical appeal. Glad you could soak up some sun.
