A Colorado Adventure

Cascade creek is the river you see running right behind us in the picture below. It winds through the beautiful Colorado mountains and occasionally turns into these amazing waterfalls that fall about 10-12 feet into a clear pool of ICE COLD water.

I had done this adventure before a couple of times in high school but don't remember it being SO COLD. This was the first time for Shay and Ace. It took us forever to get started because it was so cold. We tried jumping from rock-to-rock without touching the water. But before you know it, you come to a small waterfall and you have to jump in. The funny thing is Florida boy Ace was the first one in. He had to cheer Shay and I on; but once we left that first fall there was no turning back.

We didn't have a waterproof camera and so we only have pictures from the start of the river. We took these pictures after we had completed our journey when we felt pretty awesome for having finished the adventure.

When we finished we were exhausted. Our bodies had worked so hard shivering and trying to warm us up and we lived in fear waiting for the next waterfall. Every time we jumped and then hit that water, it took our breath away. We couldn't wait to reach the end. And when we did and returned home, we all had a nice long nap. But now, I think we are ready to do it again.


  1. Looks like a fun yet CHILLY Colorado adventure! Makes me feel like Joe and I need to work on exploring more :)

  2. If thats the one we did along time ago then im so jellous!! I've thought about that alot and so want to do it again. But I agree the cold water would now make me a little hesitate to jump in.

  3. I love waterfalls! Maybe if I ever get to go there with you there will be pictures since I'm such an aquatic wuss :p Fun that the 3 of you were able to go play!

  4. I'm glad to see you are showing Ace some of the sweet things there are to do in CO! :) Miss ya tons!!! I will put up a new post soon...I promise.
