Stryker family in fall

Sorry for the delayed update. I was supposed to do it, but often it sounds boring. But now I really have something cool to write about, so here it is.

Presenting the Stryker family fall 2010 photos! These include Lace, me, Sully, and Baby Stryker in utero. It was hard getting him to smile for most of them, but we were able to salvage a few good ones. Getting Sully to sit still, on the other hand, was a nightmare, but his disposition lent itself to some funny candid shots.

A big thanks to Jeremy Wade Shockley, esteemed photographer at The Southern Ute Drum, for the pro photography!


  1. I LOVE these photos! You guys look SO great! And Sully is huge! And the photography is wonderful! And I can't wait to meet baby Stryker!! Love love love.

  2. Lacy, you look so cute pregnant! Can't wait to come home for Christmas and see the little guy! I bet you're getting excited. Hope you are doing well!

  3. Of course the pictures are cute, but I think my favorite part was the comment about being able to salvage a few pictures with Baby Stryker smiling :)

  4. What great pitures !!!!! Love you sooooo much,CAC
