Took Our Broken Hearts and Put Them in a Drawer

Fall this year was bitter-sweet. The weather was incredible and it lasted so so much longer than last year, and my sweet friends were having babies and welcoming in new members to their families. These were all really great, really incredible things. But as I walked into the hospital one eveing to visit one of my friends after having her baby, I felt sad for myself. This was suppose to be me in a few weeks. Ace asked if I was ok and then just grabbed my hand and smiled. I was ok. I felt like I was doing so much better than I thought I would, but sometimes, I just got sad. 

I was worried that these sad moments would come too often as I drew closer and closer to our "due date". I just wanted the due date to come and go and so I could just carry on. So Ace helped me to plan an escape. It is so great to be with a person who wants you to be happy more than anything else in the world. I know I feel this way about Ace, but it isn't always the way I act. Lucky for me though, this is exactly how he acts. Instead of taking the weekend of our "due date" and making it easier for both of us, Ace just planned a way to make it easier for me.

I would leave for NYC, meet Asia there (best decision EVER) and Ace would take on all the extra work at home by himself. Not only was he ok with this, he pushed the idea until it was reality. I was so grateful to have this incredible weekend to skip over a sad day, but I was more grateful for the realization that I married the right person. 

Ok, enough about Ace :-). On to NYC!

So I love ASIA!! I am so grateful that we formed such a strong friendship before Ace and I were even married. We had already decided that if things didn't work out between Ace and me, we would still keep each other. She is one of my very best friends and I am so grateful that she took time and money to run around the city with me and be a couple of carefree wanderers. 

We had very few hiccups the entire trip. One being both of us flying into different airports than we had expected another was  hunting for public bathrooms and the last one was loosing my gift for my boys...which we found! It really was such an easy care free trip. I felt grounded and like my load was lightened.

(That's me)

We were so lucky to be able to stay with my truly incredible friend Jessica Pac. I met Jess last year and loved her immediately. I knew her for only 9 months before my family moved to California for the summer and her family moved to NYC for good. But she opened her home to Asia and me. It was so great to be able to spend some time with her and her sweet little family. She lives right by Columbia so it was also a really great location for all of our adventuring.

Day 1: Ate dinner in Time Square at the very exotic Olive Garden, and went to the play The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time before heading to Jess's for a nice late night chat with 2 of my favorite ladies.
Day 2: A little shopping in Time Square, lunch with Jess and visit Washington Square, bike around Central Park, visit the MET and then onto our musical that evening called A Gentlemens Guide to Love and Murder.

On the roof of the MET! One of my favorite days with one of my favorite people. It was a a beautiful autumn evening.

Day 3: Met up with some of Asia's BYU friends for some brunch, Farmers Market at Union Square, visited the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, explored around Rockefeller Center, strolled around the city before returning back to Jess's for the night.
(Farmers Market in Union Square)

Day 4: Breakfast at Tom's Diner (iconic Seinfield restaurant and known for one of my favorite songs; Tom's Diner by Susan Vega. "I am sitting in the morning at the diner on the corner"), bus ride to LGA and the vacation has come to an end.

This trip was perfect! It made me not only move past a potentially rough weekend, but it went a step further by helping me to see how truly blessed I am with incredible people in my life. Hard things happen sometimes; but I know my life is richly blessed and I am beyond grateful for it.

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