Garret had his very first camping experience this month and it was all planned out by his fun cousin Brock. Brock stayed the night at our house and decided he really wanted to sleep outside in a tent so while Garret napped Brock wrote Uncle Ace a note asking him to please sleep outside in the tent with the boys. Ace had had a really busy work week so I thought he might not want to sleep on the hard ground. I tried to tell Brock it might not happen and that they could camp in the living room.; but that just wasn't good enough. He told me, " I think Uncle Ace will say yes, 'cause he is pretty nice."
      Ace really is nice! So when he got home and found Brock's note he was actually really excited about the idea and told Brock that camping just isn't camping without s'mores. However, Colorado is burning up....again. So fires are a no go. Inside s'mores aren't quite the same as over a campfire outside but it worked. This was another first for Garret.

     After dinner and s'mores the boys pitched the tent, grabbed a bag full of books, bundled up for a cold night and headed out to their man cave.

   I was very surprised when I woke up around 6am to feed Reid and there were not other boys in the house. These crazy boys made it all night in the night....I was very impressed. I remember trying to sleep outside as a kid and never being able to make it past 4am; it just got too cold. But they three amigos came inside a little before 7 excited to share their stories of camping outside and even more excited for a warm breakfast.


  1. This just melts my pregnant, overly emotional heart! Stryker men make the best Dads and Uncles! I also love that photo of Gar with s'more on his face. We can't wait to see you all in November!
